Welcome to Quantum Potential!

I’m a longtime media executive, with a yoga and meditation background.  Having worked for major global real estate, tech, and media companies, I consistently noticed a gap in how development was offered in the workplace and built QP to modernize the work.


  • I’ve noticed a generational gap between boomers, millenials and gen z that inhibits business performance

  • I’ve worked with companies that say they’re people first, but only look for external silver bullets to solve for business challenges

  • And I’ve observed years of training programs that fall flat because the approach is antiquated and business leaders don’t understand their true blockers

When you teach people how to practically work with their limiting beliefs - a whole new realm of potential for change and improved performance becomes possible.

That’s where Quantum Potential lives. It’s not a training box checked, a wellness benefit or a coaching program - it’s a game changer for businesses who want to better harness their greatest asset - their people.

I can’t wait to talk more about how QP can help your people transform their minds for peak performance.

Eileen Crossin

Founder of Quantum Potential

About Quantum Potential